Sunday 24 May 2015

Hari Sukan Sekolah pada 7 Mac 2015

7 Mac 2015, hari Sabtu telah diadakan temasya Sukan SMK Methodist (ACS) di padang Majlis Daerah Kampar. Temasya ini bermula dengan perasmian, perarakan, pertandingan akhir acara-acra yang dipertandingan, acara antara sekolah, acara pengawai dan penyampaian hadiah.
kali ini rumah sukan Biru telah diumumkan sebagai Johan keseluruhan, naib Johan jatuh kepada Rumah Sukan Kuning, ketiga rumah sukan Hijau dan keempat rumah sukan Merah.
Perbarisan antara rumah dimenangi oleh rumah Kuning...

Sunday 22 September 2013

Cleaning action for SPM candidates...also for general knowledge...

1. This is the structure of soap & detergent: contains hydrophobic tail & hydrophilic head

Soap has COO- head while detergent has SOOO- head
2. Functions of soap & detergent:

  • Reduces the surface tension of water
  • Head dissolves in water & tail dissolves in grease
  • Rinsing washes away these grease droplets & leave the surface clean.

3. The cleansing action of soap:

These are the steps in order to make our clothes clean...

see the changes of daniel cell.....

Formula that MUST be to REMEMBER...basic chemistry....

 Molar mass = RAM/ RMM/ RFM in gram

Sunday 25 November 2012

Wednesday 30 May 2012

About Electrochemistry??????

Different atoms pull on bonding electrons to differing degrees, and this difference is the pivotal property in determining whether a covalent or ionic bond is formed. When one atom has a much higher pull on bonding electrons than its partner, electron transfer occurs, and an ionic compound is formed. When both atoms have similar attractions for the bonding electrons, they'll share them more equitably and a covalent compound is formed.
Elements can be ranked by their relative attraction for bonding electrons. The more different their ranks, the more likely the bond is to be ionic.

Elements by their ability to attract bonding electrons - Linus Pauling and others considered several elemental properties to develop a consistent ranking scheme. Pauling used the element's ionization energy and electron affinity to predict how it will behave in a bond. The more energy it takes to pull off the outer electron of an atom, he reasoned, the less likely it is to allow another atom to take those electrons. The more energy the atom releases when it gains an electron, the more likely it is to take electrons from another atom in bonding. These two energies were used to compute a numerical score called anelectronegativity. Electronegativity ranks the element's tendency to attract electrons and acquire a more negative charge in a bonding situation. 

Electronegativity will increase going left to right across the periodic table. Fluorine's high nuclear charge coupled with its small size make it hold onto bonding electrons more tightly than any other element. Lithium has a lower nuclear charge and is actually larger than fluorine. Its valence electron is not tightly held and it tends to surrender it in chemical bonds.

How are electronegativity values used? Consider coupling two fluorine atoms together. Even though each atom has a high attraction for bonding electrons, both attract them equally. The electronegativity difference between the atoms is zero, and the bond ispure covalent

Oxidation Number of Xenon

Oxidation Numbers and Position in the Periodic Table

Compounds of xenon are by far the most numerous of the rare-gas compounds.

With the exception of XePtF6, rare-gas compounds have oxidation numbers of +2, +4, +6, and +8,  as shown by the examples cited in the table below.

Compounds of Xenon and their Oxidation Numbers






























