Thursday 24 May 2012

Me and SKP6024

MY 1st impression of this Course????
The first impression when i heard and overview what is all about this course, really made me nervous and I thought it take a long take to make all the assignments. I just thought am i can go through all this for one semester. First time in this class, the beauty lady appears and introduced her as CIK HAJAH ASMAYATI..She is so kind and very friendly and also all the friends in this course very friendly of each other. I cannot wait for the next class to see my colleague and CIK ASMAYATI.....

Second meeting we need to create our own blog..Argghh..actually i never had blog before because i'm not very addicted to tell story or sharing thing other especially about personal and activities that i do everyday..but CIK ASMAYATI persuade us to create for our portfolio for this subject..BY HOOK OR BY CROOK i need to create one for me...lalala...Whatever it is,i get a good friends who can refer when i had difficult situation...thank you YOU ALL and CIK ASMAYATI..!!! Luv u alll....muahhh

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